Yaohong ZhangPartner

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Telecommunication, Media & Internet | Medical Health & Medicine | Engineering Energy and Resources
Yaohong Zhang, a lawyer and a patent agent, is good at helping enterprises establish comprehensive IP management system and providing services in IP prosecution, IP litigation, anti-unfair competition, e-commerce and the like. She has been engaged in foreign-related patent work since 2003. She handled a thousand patent applications, took charge in various aspects of patent analysis, invalidation, litigation and transaction, and provided guidance for inside counsel in PCT applications. Ms. Zhang ever provided service for BASF, UOP, Novartis, Applied Material, DSM, Solvay, ELI LILLY, Bayer and other multinational companies. Attorney Zhang Yaohong served as the perennial intellectual property legal counsel for Baidu Games in the TMT industry, handling a large number of copyright licenses (including overseas copyrights), game operation and distribution contracts, cease-and-desist letters, and trademark issues.
2018.9~2019.5 Chicago-Kent College of Law, LLM of IP
2000.9~2003.7 Tsinghua University
1996.9~2000.6 Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Member in Foreign-related Lawyer Talent Pool of the Beijing Lawyers Association;
Part-time Tutor of Master of Laws, China University of Political Science and Law
Represented DSM in several patent invalidation cases against the other parties, including a well-known Japanese chemical company and a major US specialty glass company;
Represented Tencent in a patent invalidation case against another famous Chinese internet service company;
Represented Eli Lilly in a patent invalidation case against a Chinese pharmaceutical company;
Represented Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GMBH in a patent invalidation case against an individual (a scarecrow on behalf of a company of interest);
Providing patent validity and FTO analysis projects for BASF, Thyssenkrupp and a Chinese specialty fiber company;
Represented Mtime in a series of copyright infringement cases against a Chinese OTTTV service company;
Represented Starlitsky in a game infringement case against another game company;
Represented BaiduZitong in a game infringement case against a famous Chinese game company;
Served as a legal counsel of a Baidu’s wholly-owned subsidiary, responsible for reviewing, revising and drafting legal documents such as copyright licensing and game distribution agreements, training, consulting, issuing formal legal opinions and lawyer’s letters, etc.;
Represented an individual in a labor arbitration case on non-competition against a famous Chinese internet service company;
Represented Luoyang Mingyuan in 10 patent ownership and trade secret disputes against another company;
Represented an individual in patent ownership against Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences..
Yaohong Zhang, Comprehensive Artificial Infringement in China’s Drug Regulatory Review, Intellectual Property and Technology Law Journal --- University of San Francisco, Volume 24, Issue 1(2020) https://usfblogs.usfca.edu/iptlj/articles/volume-24-issue-1-articles/ https://1.next.westlaw.com/Document/I2ca616177a2d11ea80afece799150095/Vi ew/FullText.html?transitionType=SearchItem&contextData=(sc.Category)
Yaohong Zhang, Why is Indian Gleevec so Cheap? Zhichanli, http://news.zhichanli.com/article/8993.html
Yaohong Zhang, Whether to Violate Business Secrets if an Employee Forwards Confidential Information from His Company Mailbox to His Personal Mailbox?, Zhichanli, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bhVWRfKiuJ-3MTmdpMXQJw
Yaohong Zhang, Standard for Judging Obviousness of Biological Inventions in US based on one Case, CHINA PATENT AGENCY, No. 4, pp.37-40(2009)
Yaohong Zhang, ‘Disclaimer’ Amendment, CHINA PATENT AGENCY, No. 1, pp.66-69(2011)
Yaohong Zhang, IDS and Supplemental Examination before the USPTO and Inequitable Conduct Counterargument, CHINA PATENT AGENCY, No. 4, pp.37-40(2013)
Yaohong Zhang, Applicability of “Liquidated Damages” in Patent Infringement Suits based on “Baby Stroller Cases”, PATENT AGENCY, No. 2, pp.33-36(2015)
Yaohong Zhang, Who on earth is the Final Winner in the Case involving a new TV version of Big-head Son and Small-head Father, http://www.zhichanli.com/article/26539
Yaohong Zhang, Some Issues about Claims Defined with Performance or Parameter Features, Intellectual Property Strategy and Practice, Vol. 6.
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