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The Delegation of European Chinese Lawyer Association Paid a Visit to Tahota Law Firm

2019-05-06 Views:3698

      On May5, 2019, the delegation of European Chinese Lawyer Association had paid a visit to our firm for a survey and communication. The seniors Lawyer Ma Chunyan, Lawyer Yuan Jia and Lawyer Gan Jianming from our International Business Department had undertaken the warmly-welcoming activity and hosted the forum.

      On the forum, under the theme as The Belt and Road and Going-out and Bringing-in, Gu Qun- President of European Chinese Lawyer and Chinese Business Principal of Sweden Advokatfirman Vinge KB had introduced the development and history of European Chinese Lawyer Association, the dual-platform functions of the association, and the investment laws and policies of Sweden and North European countries. Dozens of experienced Chinese lawyers from the law firms, including Zhu Tiefan Lawyer from Germany Nore Law Firm, Shang You Lawyer from French JEANTET and Ren Xiaohong from French Delson Law Firm, had separately introduced the investment law environment, foreign investment policies and practice experience. Both Parties had undertaken the business communication and discussion. The lawyers of our firm had expressed that, the cooperation between Tahota and European lawyers would help the lawyers of our firm understand more about the industry information and the supervision policies, which are the important information for the cross- border investment and financing. What’s more, gaining supports from the European lawyers and partners in this project, we would serve the Central Europe enterprises better to go out and bring in, and look forwards to the tripartite collaborations in the future.


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