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Tahota’s Honor|Tahota Continued to Gain the Award West China Law Firm of the Year of ALB

2019-04-19 Views:33099

      At night of April 18, 2019, 2019 China Law Award ceremony sponsored by the world-renowned legal media Asian Legal Business was observed the grand opening in Beijing. Tahota Law Firm was the only one to win West China Law Firm and this was the 11th time for Tahota to receive this award. Besides, it was the first time of Tahota to be nominated in ALB’s “medical treatment act” field.

Liu Ruzhong and Zhou Zhiwu, the senior partners, had represented the firm to accept the awards and given the acceptance speeches.

      The continuous fast development of Tahota has won attention and appreciations of the industry. This was Tahota’s another international award and honor since it gained the good graces from the main-stream legal media/rating agencies, such as Chambers and Partners’ 2019 Asia-Pacific Guide in Key Recommended Fields Rankings, China Business Law Journal’s Excellent Law Firm of the Year, The Legal 500’s “Asian- Pacific Region 2019 Rankings”, International Financial Law Rankings 1000’s 2019 Key Fields Recommended Rankings since 2019.

      As one of the media annual awards that gain closest attention from Chinese law market, ALB’s award has demonstrated the splendid appreciations and praise of the clients and markets on Tahota again. In the coming 20th anniversary, Tahota will continue to run and pursue for the dream and expect greater and bigger advancements and performances in the future.


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