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TAHOTA Beijing Office

Li Guogangadviser

Senior Consultant

  • Guogang Li spent more than 20 years in China's Ministry of Commerce and was the Director from 2001 to 2016. Guogang was involved in the drafting of many of China's trade, anti-trust and investment laws and regulations and managed in excess of 50 trade cases against imports into China from the European Union, Japan, United States, and Korea. In 2013, representing the Chinese government and more than 100 solar panel producers, he successfully settled, at that time, the world's largest trade dispute between China and the European Union in a case valued at US$20 billion. He reached a settlement agreement with the EU and was highly praised by the industry. At the same time, He was also a Chinese trade negotiator who had talks with the US Department of Commerce and the European Commission. He has participated in the China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade and China-EU trade negotiations. Mr. Li Guogang has represented the Chinese government on many occasions in the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations and consultations. He also represented the Chinese government in RCEP, China-Japan-Korea and other free trade agreements (Free Trade), with rich negotiation experience and deep professional knowledge.

    Mr. Li Guogang's clients include Corning Incorporated, Archer Daniels Midland Company, OXEA Corp., Nedschroef, Korea OCI, Korea Hanwha Chemical, Shanghai Electrics, etc.

Education Background

  • 1990-1994 Tianjin University of Commerce, Bachelor of Accounting

  • 1998-1999 MEc, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China

  • 2010-2011 LLM, American University, Washington College of Law, Washington, DC, USA

Work Experience

  • 1994-2000 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Planning and Finance Department

  • 2000-2001 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation(now MOFCOM) Treaty and Law Department

  • 2001-2016 MOFCOM , Import and Export Fair Trade Bureau / Trade Relief and Investigation Bureau

  • 2016-2018 White & Case, LLP, Washington, DC Office, Lawyer

  • 2018- Tahota (Beijing) Law Firm, Senior Consultant

Social Position & Membership

  • Guogang Li serves as the Advisor at International Law Institute in the US.

Honors and Evaluations

  • Guogang Li was selected to participate in Humphry Program sponsored by the State Department of the US in 2010-2011, and achieved the certificate signed by the US President.

Representative Performance

  • 1. Representing Archer Daniels Midland Company (“ADM”) in China's Sorghum anti-dumping case

  • 2. Representing Corning, Inc. in China's Optical Fiber and Preform antidumping reviews

  • 3. Represented Shanghai Electric Group in Fastener review case

  • 4. Representing US OXEA in the Butanol antidumping case

  • 5. Representing Hanwha Chemicals in Polysilicon antidumping review case

  • 6. Represented European steel company Outokumpu Oyj and Aperam SA in stainless steel anti-dumping case


  • 1. Rules and Practice of Anti-dumping Investigation in China: Kaiming Press, 2018.

  • 2. Research on Dispute Settlement of WTO Trade Remedy Cases--Kaiming Press, 2018.

  • 3. China should seize the opportunity to settle the dispute with the US – Singapore Lianhe Zaobao

  • 4. How China’s Version of CFIUS Will Expand Security Review - Law360, March 19, 2019.

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