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TAHOTA Xining Office

TAHOTA Xining Office, established on September 29, 2019 as approved by the Department of Justice of Qinghai Province, is the 19th branch office of TAHOTA Law Firm around the globe.

As an important region for China’s strategic layout for the “Belt and Road Initiative”, Qinghai has been brought to the forefront in the China’s west development campaign, and become an essential port of China’s opening-up to the west and a strategic base for sub-regional cooperation. Over the recent years, Qinghai has made remarkable achievements in foreign trade, investment, ecological construction and resource protection. TAHOTA’s presence in Xining is exactly to seek new and rapid development in the west by seizing the important opportunity of Qinghai’s accelerated internationalization and construction of ecological province.

Located in Xining, the capital city of Qinghai, and serving clients’ needs across the province, TAHOTA Xining Office is dedicated to providing comprehensive and professional first-class legal service. The Office will, leveraging its strengths and advantage of all domestic and global offices, tap the huge legal service market in the northwest after its economic rise and actively give full play to its professional strengths in providing clients in various fields with high-quality and professional legal service.


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