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Partners from our firm were on the list of 2020 “The A-List Elite Lawyers of the China Business Law Journal”

2021-01-04 Views:26575

On January 4, 2021, China Business Law Journal, an internationally renowned legal media, released the list of 2020 China's Elite 100 Lawyers. Lawyers Liu Jun and Fu Qiang, senior partners of Tahota Law Firm, were selected into the list by virtue of their outstanding professional abilities, leading innovation consciousness, and excellent market reputation, which have attracted the attention of the industry.


The list of Elite lawyers was produced from evaluation by the China Business Law Journal based on extensive survey and research. China Business Law Journal sent survey invitations to thousands of legal consultants in China and around the world, as well as the partners from many top law firms at home and abroad to listen to the voices of the industry, so as to select practicing lawyers with outstanding performance in the Chinese market. The final list of winners was produced based on the nomination of professionals from a large number of Chinese and foreign companies, law firms and other institutions, and the years of experience of the editorial team of China Business Law Journal in observation and analysis of the Chinese legal market.


It once again confirmed the practice ability of Tahota lawyers in the legal service market and the high recognition from our clients. We will certainly continue to provide professional, high-quality and efficient legal services to our clients and the market.


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