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Our firm was honored with the 2024 IFLR1000 China Law Award.

2024-10-08 Views:5990

On September 20, 2024, the internationally leading financial legal media outlet, International Financial Law Review (IFLR1000), announced the winners of the 5th Annual IFLR1000 China Awards. TAHOTA LAW FIRM, with its exceptional performance over the past year, was awarded the title of Law Firm of the Year in Sichuan at the IFLR1000 China Law Awards.

Law Firm of the Year

The IFLR1000 China Awards primarily cover ten regions: Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Tianjin, Sichuan, and Chongqing. They aim to recognize the most innovative transactions and the top-performing law firms and lawyers in China for that year, with a special emphasis on those that have excelled both nationwide and within their respective provinces and cities.

Spanning the nation, bridging the world; steadfast without arrogance, harmonious yet distinct. The receipt of the 2024 IFLR1000 China Law Award underscores TAHOTAs overall comprehensive strength. We will persist in providing high-quality, efficient, and comprehensive legal services to reciprocate our clients and the market.


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