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Senior Partner of Tahota Ruzhong Liu Was Hired as the General Legal Advisor of Embassy of the Republic of Vanuatu in China

2016-07-19 Views:18073

In the afternoon of July 19, 2016, seniorpartner of Tahota Ruzhong Liu together with his team of lawyers came to Embassyof the Republic of Vanuatu in China (hereinafter referred to as ERVC) to attend the appointment ceremonyof legal advisor. His ExcellencyAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Vanuatu DENNISNAI presided over the simple ceremony.

Earlier, the firm had a friendly communication withthe ERVC, and two sides had come to theagreement that ERVC would hire Ruzhong Liu who is fluent in English as the generallegal advisor, and his employment term is three years from 19 July 2016 toJuly 18, 2019. Therefore, Ruzhong Liuexpressed his thanks to the ERVC and Ambassador DENNIS NAI for the trustand support that they gave to our firm and attorneys on the appointmentceremony. Attorney Ruzhong Liu said hisbeing the general legal advisor is one important step that Tahota takes tomove towards internationalization and differentiation. This is an honor, butalso a responsibility. Thus Tahota people must try their best to do their jobsand provide the ERVC with legalservices of the highest quality.

Afterwards, Ambassador DENNISNAI issued letters of appointment to Ruzhong Liu and then took a picture withhim to mark the occasion.

Overview of Vanuatu

The Republicof Vanuatu is located in the southwest of Pacific Ocean and belongs to theMelanesian archipelago and consists of about 80 islands. Its capital is locatedin Port Vila where there is an international airport that has direct flights toAustralia, New Zealand, Fiji, Solomon Islands and New Caledonia. Vanuatu is themember of the United Nations, the Non-Aligned organizations, the IMF, the WorldBank and the Asian Development Bank. Vanuatu was named the highest happinessindex country in the world for two times respectively in 2006 and 2010 by UKNew Economics Foundation.


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