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TAHOTA Tianjin Office

Guo HongqiaoPartner

Personal profile

  • Lawyer Guo Hongqiao has 6 years of banking experience and has accumulated rich financial knowledge and experience, especially for foreign exchange policy. During his practice, Lawyer Guo Hongqiao participated in the agency of a series of group cases, and the case has made very good progress, which has been well received by clients.

Education background

  • 2008-2012: Tianjin University, Bachelor of Laws

  • 2008-2012: Tianjin University,Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology

Work experience

  • 2012-2018:SPDB Tianjin Branch, responsible for reviewing foreign exchange

  • 2018-present: Tahota(Tianjin) Law Firm, Lawyer

Social positions and memberships

  • Member of the Insurance Professional Committee of Tianjin Binhai New Area Legal Work Committee

Representative performance

  • 1. Participated in acting for 205 home buyers to raise objections to the implementation of Gangwan Apartment in Ninghe District;

  • 2. Participated in acting as agent of 22 employees for confirmation of shareholders' qualifications.

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