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Lawyer from Tahota Lawyer Firm Ranked as Rising Star 2020 by China Business Law Journal

2020-03-30 Views:36805

Recently, the 2020 China business lawyers list Rising Star, listing 30 young Chinese lawyers for commending their outstanding performance in their respective areas, has been published on China Business Law Journal, which is a well-known legal media. Xu Zhiyuan, the partner of Tahota Lawyer Firm, was ranked on the Rising Stars list for his strong theoretical foundation and extensive experience in capital market, investment and M&A, and private equity area, and attracted much attention of legal profession.


Xu Zhiyuan, the partner of Tahota Lawyer Firm, mainly focuses on capital operation, investment and M&A, private equity, bond financing, corporate governance, and stock ownership incentive. With his over 10 years extensive experience in such business areas, Xu Zhiyuan has flexibly offered specific solution for many large enterprise groups, listed/to be listed companies, state-owned enterprises, private funds, financing institutions by comprehensively applying knowledge in respect of legislation, finance and taxation, finance and management, and obtained good results. In recent years, Xu has won recognition and trust from many clients for his leading legal service in domestic and foreign IPO of many enterprises, in dozens of investment and M&A, and in worker incentive programs.

It is learned that the Rising Stars list ranked 30 young elite lawyers through precise consideration and review of thousands of candidates nominated by in-house counsels, senior executives, and peer lawyers and on the basis of years of observation of China Business Law Journal for Chinese legal market, to commend their contribution to commercial legal practice and enterprise development. The listed new star lawyers are of over 10 years of legal practice, covering many specialized professional fields such as acquisition and reorganization, capital market, and intellectual property. 


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