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Tahota Law Firm Assisted Classical Auto to List NEEQ Successfully

2017-05-31 Views:14320

On May 31, 2017, National Middle and Small-sized EnterprisesShare Transfer Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Stock TransferCompany”) published Letter onAgreement of Listing the Stockof Sichuan Classical Auto Service Chain Co., Ltd. in the Share Transfer Systemfor National Middle and Small-sized Enterprises, which officially allowed that thestock of Sichuan Classical Auto Service Chain Co., Ltd. (Stock code:871644,hereinafter referred to as “Classical Auto”or “Company”) with special legalservice offered by Tahota Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as “Tahota LawFirm” or “our firm”) could be listed and transferred in public in StockTransfer Company.

Classical Auto is ajoint-stock company offering automobile after-sales market services such as autorepair,beauty,decoration, cleaning,insurance agency, auto mortgage loan agency, with very highpopularity in Sichuan Province.Over the years,Classical Auto has the honor to win national titles such as “Top 10 AutoService Providers”, “Roll of Enterprises with Good Faith”, “Example in China· AutoMarket in the West -Best Auto Group 2016” for several times.

Since Tahota Law Firm accepts the commission, in accordancewith relevant laws and regulations of our country and the regulations in Stock TransferCompany, it has made the work plan,assisted thecompany in shareholding reform,carried out duediligence, issued professional legal advice and follow-up supplementary legaladvice, cooperated in the work of company and other agencies actively, andoffered professional and efficient legal services to this project.

This project was carriedout smoothly under the leading and coordination of Director Cheng Shoutai, withLawyer Han Yingmei as the lawyer to sign, and Lawyer Zhang Yun, Lawyer Tan Lei,Lawyer Zhu Yunci as the members of project team. Lawyer Yang Lanyu and LawyerWan Yun offered assistance andsupport to this project.


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