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TAHOTA Nanjing Office

Wu CailingPartner

Personal profile

  • Cailing Wu, a lawyer, specializes in the field of criminal defense and enterprise criminal compliance, and provides professional legal risk aversion services for the development of enterprises and individuals based on her profound legal professional foundation and serious working attitude.

    Since her practice, she has successfully defended hundreds of criminal cases, as well as provided legal counsel and special services for government agencies and large and medium-sized enterprises. It has safeguarded the legal rights and interests of the client and achieved good social effects. At the same time, she also focused on the academic research, such as to write many legal papers, participate in academic conferences.

Education background

  • 2012-2016 Law School of Peking University, Ph.D

  • 2014-2015 Faculty of law, University of Toronto, Canada, Visiting scholar

  • 2010-2012 Law School of Peking University, Master’s Degree

  • 2006-2010 Law School of Peking University, Bachelor’s Degree

Work experience

  • 2016-2019 Jiangsu Co-far Law Firm

  • 2019-present: Tahota (Nanjing) Law Firm

Social positions and memberships

  • Legal adviser to the Standing Committee of Nanjing Municipal People's Congress

  • Deputy director of Criminal Law Committee of Nanjing Lawyers Association

  • Member of Criminal Law Research Association of Jiangsu Law Society

Honors and evaluations

  • Yang Chunxi law education and Research Foundation Graduate Thesis Award;

  • Excellent graduates of Beijing;

  • Excellent graduates of Peking University;

  • Peking University Doctoral Scholarship;

  • Peking University Law School Yinghua scholarship;

  • Peking University Guanghua scholarship;

  • Avanced Individual of Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games volunteer;

  • Peking University Social Work Award. Etc.

Representative performance

  • 1. A case of suspected sale of fake drugs in Nanjing (case of cancellation);

  • 2. A rape case in Zhenjiang (on bail pending trial);

  • 3. A company in Tianjin is suspected of one billion fraud cases (three people are on bail pending trial, no prosecution);

  • 4. A serious case of environmental pollution of a company in Yancheng (bail pending, no prosecution);

  • 5. A case of opening a casino in Nanjing (probation);

  • 6. A case of swindle in Nanjing (bail pending, no prosecution);

  • 7. A case of fraud of network telecommunication in Zhejiang Province (second instance changed sentence, sentence reduced by 2 years);

  • 8. A rape case in Changzhou (changed to attempted and sentenced to one and a half years).

Main writings

  • 1. The paper "the problem of self-defense in affray", published in the 2019 Jiangsu Criminal Law Academic Year Conference anthology, won the second prize;

  • 2. The paper "Analysis on the use of Internet to infringe upon citizens' personal information", published in the 2018 Jiangsu Criminal Law Academic Year Conference anthology, won the third prize;

  • 3. The paper "Research on the right to decide organ donation of prisoners", published in Criminal Law Interpretation (Volume 18);

  • 4. The paper "Research on the legal recognition of the subject qualification of medical bribery", published in the Journal of Central South University (SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2016, issue 1;

  • 5. The paper "An Empirical Study on the relationship between the victim's intervention and causality", published in the 24th issue of PEOPLE’S JUDICATURE · CASE;

  • 6. The paper "The empirical analysis of credit card holder's fraud", published in the 18th issue of PEOPLE’S PROCURATORIAL SEMIMONTHLY;

  • 7. The paper "the influence of the victim's intervention on causality", published in Criminal Law Interpretation (Volume 11);

  • 8. The paper "qualitative research on the behavior of tissue selling human organs", published in THE CHINESE PROSECUTORS, 2011, issue 5;

  • 9. Participated in the National Social Science Fund Project "Research on Bioethics and Legal Issues in Modern Medical Technology";

  • 10. Participated in the Ministry of Justice Project "Research on the Origin and Current Situation of the Debate on the Crime Theory System".

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