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TAHOTA Nanjing Office

He JunPartner

Personal profile

  • He Jun, a lawyer, has been practicing since 2009. With her profound knowledge of legal theories , working language in both Chinese and English, and rich experience in practice, He Jun has provided perennial and special legal services for many large state-owned enterprises, institutions, group companies and won the trust of clients. In the work,she has the rich negotiation skill and the coordination ability. She has rich experience in criminal litigation business, family litigation business, company compliance management, transaction contract dispute handling and other issues. Acting for many retrial cases and obtaining satisfactory results. She used to be the legal adviser of China Youth Travel Jiangsu International Travel Agency Co., Ltd., Beijing Soufang Network Technology Co., Ltd. Nanjing branch and other large-scale companies and institutions, and now she is still the legal adviser of Nanjing Automobile Forging Co., Ltd., Nanjing Xuanwu District Judicial Bureau and other large-scale enterprises and institutions, providing advice on the overall planning, daily operation and legal risk control of their investment, trade and financing business for legal advice.

Education background (optional)

  • 2005-2008: Nanjing University, Master of Law

  • 1999-2003: Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Bachelor of Arts

Work experiences

  • 2008-2015: Jiang Su Dangdai Guo An Law Firm, Lawyer

  • 2015-2019: Jiangsu Co-far Law Firm, Partner;

  • 2020-present: Tahota Law Firm, Senior Partner

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