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Tahota’s 2016 the 3rd quarter partnercommunication conference was successfully held in Beijing on October 30, 2016.Close to 100 partners from offices in Beijing, chengdu, chongqing, guiyang,jinan, kunming, Lhasa, Shanghai, shenzhen and so on were present and discussedabout the development plan. This meeting was hosted by Ni Hong, a member ofmanagement committee and senior partner.

According to the meeting schedule, all the partnersdiscussed about several important issues. In the Internet age, internet legalservice will be the primary trend, so Tahota put up with a global legal servicenetwork integrated information management system (IMS) in the meeting, a systemwhich would be used soon. By fully integrating Tahota’s global resources, thissystem helps Tahota achieve integrated operation with a unified brand,unified resources, unified market and unified operation mode, which will createa new era of global synchronous work, mobile work and shared work.

At the meeting, Tahota and South Korea YinJiang law firm co-establishedSeoul office & Pusan office of Tahota and signed officially, marking agiant step of  Tahota on its road ofinternalization. It will improve legal service communication between China andSouth Korea, provide clients from the two countries with more convenient andmore efficient legal service and promote trades and investments between Chinaand South Korea.

 In addition, the conference alsocovered detailed discussion about Tahota brand promotion, drafting TahotaLaw Firm Business Risk Management Guidelines, unifying training systemamong offices and writing Tahota Journal.

   This successful partnerconference paves a good way for Tahota’s strategic development in the nextstage. Tahota will carry on its differentiated strategy, break through regionalrestrictions and push the domestic and overseas strategy forward.


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