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Tahota has won the only award of China Regional Law Firm of the Year established by ALB for the first time!

2023-05-19 Views:24502

On the evening of May 18, 2023, the award ceremony of ALB China Law Awards 2023 was held in Beijing. As one of the key comprehensive awards, Tahota has won the only award of China Regional Law Firm of the Year established by ALB for the first time, and has been nominated for awards in ALB in the sectors including energy and resources, compliance, healthcare, and annual management partners. Before that, Tahota has won the ALB Western China Law Firms Award for 14 consecutive years.

With the advantages of global layout, Tahota Law Firm not only has a deep understanding of China's legal, cultural, and business environment, but also boasts a pioneering global perspective. Tahota has been deeply engaged in the sectors including anti-monopoly, anti-unfair competition, real estate, capital markets, investment and financing, M&A, government legal consulting, intellectual property, etc., which enables Tahota to deal with complex cases across regions with quality, efficient, and comprehensive professional abilities and win the ALB award of China Regional Law Firm of the Year.

This is Tahota ranking in the list of international firms again, following the favor of mainstream legal media/rating agencies such as include in China Legal Guide 2023, ALB Employer 2023, LEGALBAND Chinese Legal Excellence Award 2023, and Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution of 2023 We will surely keep serving our clients and the market with quality, efficient and all-around legal services in the future.


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