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Our Firm Provides Sichuan Development Holding Co., Ltd. Legal Serves for the Issuing of Bond Involving RMB8,000 Million in 2010

2010-07-19 Views:29164

Sichuan Development Holding Co., Ltd. Bond in 2010, the legal service of which is provided by Shoutai Cheng, Zhengping Xu, Chenggang Guo, Ruojie Ma and other lawyers in our firm, is approved recently by the National Development and Reform Commission. The approved amount of this corporate bond is RMB8,000 Million, which is the biggest single financing amount for enterprises in our province and will circulate or be listed in legal trading places.

During the issuing application of this bond, our lawyers cooperate closely with the issuer, lead manager and the relevant agencies, participate in the whole issuing application and will continue to provide legal services for the issuing and listing of the bond. Our lawyers have got high praise from the issuer and leading underwriting state development bank for high efficiency and professional legal services.


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