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Tahota ranked 2023/24 asialaw Profiles

2023-09-14 Views:14070

On September 13, 2023, asialaw Profiles, an international famous legal rating agency, released its 2023/24 List of Recommended Law Firms in the Asia-Pacific region. Tahota was shortlisted in the List in such sectors as Capital Markets, Banking & Finance, Intellectual Property and Labor & Employment for its superb business capabilities, excellent legal services and sound reputation.

For a long term, Tahota has kept exploring into the sectors like Capital Market, Banking and Finance, Intellectual Property and Labor & Employment, and gained excellent achievements. So far, Tahota has ranked asialaw Profiles for many consecutive years. Tahota was shortlisted in the ranking again, which shows that professional services and industry reputation of Tahota are highly recognized by asialaw Profiles. We will continue to keep the service concept of honesty and indigence, high quality and efficiency, and pursuit of perfection, endeavor to build a distinct service system and provide overall and multidimensional legal services to client.


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