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Our firm was honored to be featured in the 2024 ALB China M&A Rankings.

2024-09-25 Views:5627

On September 23, 2024, the globally renowned legal media outlet Asian Legal Business (ALB) unveiled its “2024 ALB China M&A Rankings”. TAHOTA, leveraging its outstanding transactional performance and exceptional overall strength in the realm of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), sustained its previous market dominance and secured a position on the list for the fifth consecutive year.

The accompanying report to the rankings noted, “Over the past year, influenced by macroeconomic trends, international political situations, and stricter capital market regulations, China’s M&A market has encountered significant challenges and undergone multiple changes. Amidst this backdrop, the law firms listed in this year’s ALB M&A Rankings have demonstrated robust business resilience and adaptability to market demands.”

M&A constitutes one of TAHOTA’s core businesses. TAHOTA’s M&A legal service team has consistently delved into M&A projects spanning various industries, including industrial manufacturing, financial institutions, energy and resources, real estate, telecommunications, media, and the internet. By integrating multidimensional insights, local market expertise, a global network, and experience from hundreds of transactions annually, our lawyers provide comprehensive support to enterprises through the M&A transactions, creating additional value. In the last year, our firm has witnessed a notable increase in both the number of transactions we have participated in and the significance of these transactions within the M&A market.


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