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Tahota Law Firm and several lawyers were on the list of “Chambers Asia-Pacific 2021”

2020-12-15 Views:25561

On December 15, 2020, Chambers and Partners, an international authoritative legal rating agency, released the list of Chambers Asia-Pacific 2021 (Corporate/Commercial Ranking will be released on January 2021). By virtue of the outstanding professional strength and good customer feedback, Tahota Law Firm was selected into the ranking in the two fields of "Medical Law" and "Labor Law". 

In addition, Lawyers Xu Zhengping, Wu Xiaochen, Li Jingchuan and Wu Di (senior partners from our firm) were recommended in their respective business areas. On December 15, 2020, Chambers and Partners, an international authoritative legal rating agency, released the list of Chambers Asia-Pacific 2021 (Corporate/Commercial Ranking will be released on January 2021). By virtue of the outstanding professional strength and good customer feedback, Tahota Law Firm was selected into the ranking in the two fields of "Medical Law" and "Labor Law". In addition, Lawyers Xu Zhengping, Wu Xiaochen, Li Jingchuan and Wu Di (senior partners from our firm) were recommended in their respective business areas.


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