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Tahota Helped Liangshan Development Group Issue USD Notes in Overseas Market

2022-04-24 Views:2520

Recently, Liangshan Development (Holdings) Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Liangshan Development Group”) successfully issued US$204 million senior fixed rate bond. After the announcement of the initial price guidance on the pricing day of April 14, it attracted banks, securities companies, and other diversified investors to participate in subscription, and the final issue amount is US$204 million with a coupon of 6.50%.

Liangshan Development Group is the largest and most important state-owned enterprise with investment and financing functions of Liangshan. The group actively integrates into the strategy of regional economic integration in Liangshan, creating a development pattern in which the capital operation, finance and equity investment, industries with advantages and characteristics go hand in hand. It drives the development of projects by financing, expands the scale of assets by capital operation, and enhances economic benefits by the development of projects, comprehensively enhance the operation of the entire chain of capital capacity, and continue to grow stronger and better.

As the PRC legal advisor of the bond issuer, Tahota assisted the issuer in conducting due diligence on PRC laws, reviewing issuance documents, and issuing PRC legal opinions. The main lawyers in charge of this project include Partner YANG Yue, Partner LUO Ke, YANG Yi, JIN Yan and HUANG Xia, etc.


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