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Our lawyer was employed as one of the experts in the Advisory Panel for CCPIT as UNCITRAL Observer

2020-12-29 Views:21328

Advisory Panel for CCPIT as UNCITRAL Observer was formally established and the list of experts was released on December 22, 2020. Lawyer Jia Shengnan of Tahota Beijing Office was selected as one of the eight experts in the Sixth Working Group of UNCITRAL: the Group of Ship Judicial Auction. In the future, he will participate in the topic tracking, thematic study, discussion in the meeting and text design carried out by the CCPIT under the organization of UNCITRAL.


During the next three years of employment, Lawyer Jia will work with other experts to make a voice as Chinese legal person on the international stage for the revision of the Draft International Convention on Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships and their Recognition (referred to as the Beijing Draft).


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