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The Lawyers of Tahota Were Invited to the Annual Meeting of British Chambers of Commerce

2015-06-09 Views:2606

As the member of British Chambers of Commerce, Tahota Law Firm was invited to attend the the Annual Meeting of British Chambers of Commerce on June 9, 2015. British ambassador to China, Andrew Key, and the British Consul in Chongqing, Ms. Tian, attended this Annual Meeting. The senior partner, Chunyan Ma, the foreign-related lawyer, Lanyu Yang, and others of our firm attended the Annual Meeting on behalf of Tahota.

As the important assistor for promoting the economic and cultural communications between China and Britain, British Chambers of Commerce held many seminars about the China-UK investment, trade and project cooperation. As the member of British Chambers of Commerce, Tahota Law Firm took an active part in the activities of British Chambers of Commerce and discussed and communicated with the members of British Chambers of Commerce on the issues of investment, trade and project cooperation

At the same time, the election at expiration of the Committee of British Chambers of Commerce has been finished on this Annual Meeting finished. Tahota Law Firm wishes British Chambers of Commerce to create further brilliant achievements under the lead of new Committee.


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