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FaegreBD Partner Yiqiang Lee Visited Tahota

2014-03-14 Views:2254

On March 10, 2014, Yiqiang Lee, the partner of American FaegreBD Law Firm visited Tahota Chongqing Office for meeting exchange.

On the meeting, Yiqiang Lee had a brief introduction to business fields of FaegreBD Law Firm and expressed optimistic attitude on legal service development prospect in central and western regions of China in fields of finance, agriculture, food safety, medical science and others. Tahota partner Zhiqiang Liu agreed with his opinions and emphasized that law firms in western China should urgently change their modes for legal services. In the context of west development, law firms should no longer focus on legal services, but also focus on the increase of VAT for legal services, concern customer’s experience and guarantee service quality. Besides, the two parties also made profound exchange on other issues.

Finally, both the parties expected that the business communication cooperation can be strengthened between the two parties in the future to realize win-win.

FaegreBD Law Firm is one of the largest law firms in Middle West of the United States. It has over 750 legal and consulting professionals and is mainly engaged in mergers and acquisitions, product litigation, intellectual property, real estate, life science, food and agriculture, financial services, etc.. FaegreBD enjoys good reputation in the industry.


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