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Dirk Becquart of Belgium Antwerplaw Advocaten Visiting Our Firm

2014-02-21 Views:4687

The Chief Inspector of Belgium Antwerplaw Advocaten, Mr. Dirk Becquart who is in charge of overseas investment, has been invited to visit Tahota Chongqing Office on Feb. 12, 2014. The senior partner of Chongqing Office, Qingyu Li, the partner, Zhiqiang Liu, and the full-time lawyer, Pengfei Yang, met and communicated with him.

Antwerplaw Advocaten is one of largest law firms in Belgium and has more than 40 independent agencies and branches all over the world. Besides its core business of developing immigration business in China, it is also committed to development the investment, merger and acquisition business among China, Belgium and EU. On the meeting, both parties discussed the future cooperation thoroughly and extensively, created friendly cooperation, and indicated that they will support each other, work together and provide the customers with more efficient, high-quality and comprehensive legal services.


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