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Lawyers of Tahota was Received by Nepal Premier and Provided Full Legal Services for the Cooperation Unit during Its Buisiness Visit in Nepal

2016-04-06 Views:3088

Recently,in response to President Xi Jinping’s development strategy of One Belt and One Road, USUNHOME, whichis a cooperation unit of Tahota went to Nepal for business visit. This businessdelegation was lead by Chairman of USUNHOME and consisted of business backbones of USUNHOME, XiaolongWei the vice president of DTZ (Chengdu), Feng Guo the attorney of Tahota whoexperts in foreign-related matters and other experts and consultants. Duringthis visit, USUNHOME had conducted investigation and communication on somecross-field projects and investment opportunities in popularization of Nepalarts, culture protection and tourism upgradation, creative design andindustrial technology, and called for negotiations on specific cooperationprograms. The attorney of Tahota, Feng Guo provided full professional legaladvice services for USUNHOME. On March 31, Nepal Prime Minister Oli, Nepal FinanceMinister and Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Nepal Wei Peng had an interviewwith the business delegation made up of senior leaderships of USUNHOME, theattorney Feng Guo and their other collogues.

Attorney Feng Guo was in discussion with the president of NepalConstruction Engineering Association about Nepal legal status in the PremierHouse.

Nepal Prime Minister Oli spoke highly of USUNHOME’s achievements incultural industry in China

Feng Guo had a friendly exchange with the Prime Minister.

Thedelegation of USUNHOME had an interview with the Nepal Minister of Finance.

Atpresent, USUNHOME’s preliminary investigation of Nepal has been completed, andthe delegation returned home on April 2nd ; this visit has achieved constructiveresults, therefore Tahota will continue to provide the cooperation unit withprofessional and efficient cross-border investment legal services and assistthe cooperation unit to realized the goal of resources integration and upgradationbringing regional economic development achievements to neighboring countries inthe policy background of One Belt and OneRoad.


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