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Xining Office Was Recruited as the Long-Term Legal Adviser of Department of Finance of Qinghai Province

2020-06-18 Views:35324

On June 10, 2020, Xie Qingping and Wang Zhongjie, directors of Xining office of Tahota Law Firm and the lawyer Li Yongqiang participated in the signing ceremony of legal adviser at the meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Department of Finance of Qianghai Province, while the deputy director Wang Peng, representing the provincial Department of Finance, awarded the letter of appointment to Xining office and the lawyer Li Yongqiang. 


As the long-term legal advisory of provincial Department of Finance, Tahota Law Firm would put forward legal suggestions or opinions for provincial Department of Finance in terms of legal problems, major decisions, acts of administration and law enforcement; help the latter understand accounting and budgetary laws and policies, and provide legal opinions on legal affairs concerning administration, government procurement, contract and statement drafting; participate in mediation, litigation and arbitration, and provide services in non-litigation cases.


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