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The Members of African Court National Information Security Regulation and Management Training Class Visited and Inspected Our Firm

2014-06-16 Views:28889

On June 16, 2014, the members of African Court National Information Security Regulation and Management Training Class from 13 countries including Congo, Cote D’Ivoire, Guinea, Madagascar, Senegal, Tunisia, Mali, Algeria, Burundi and the like organized by the Nation’s Commerce Ministry and Sichuan Provincial Council for Promotion of International Cooperation and Investment visited and investigated our firm. The Vice General Manager of our Intellectual Property Center, Jinhan Jiang, and the full-time lawyers, Jia Yuan and Lanyu Yang received the party of the training class warmly.

During the forum, Mr. Jia Yuan introduced the basic information about our firm and the development of foreign-related business to the party of the training class, and both parties communicated thoroughly on the project of investing in Tanzania undertaken by our firm. Subsequently, Jinhan Jiang introduced the intellectual property center and the intellectual business and explained the ways and methods of protecting intellectual property in China to the members of the training class.

Subsequently, the members of Training Class asked further questions about the business scope, service mode and information of offices of Tahota, and both parties expressed the will to cooperate further and build the bridge for Sino-African cooperation.


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