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Friendly Negotiation between Tahota’s Partners and the U.S. Consul General

2015-02-10 Views:2402

Recently, the lawyers of our firm, Shoutai Cheng and Chunyan Ma, visited the U.S. Consul General in Chengdu, Raymond F. Greene, the Political Unit Chief, Kelly Busby, and the Deputy Consular Section Chief, Matthew D. Whitton. Both parties exchanged views on the development of China in recent years and the economic and trade relations between America and China deeply.

During the negotiation, Mr. Cheng introduced the development of Tahota Law Firm in recent years and the planning of global layout in the future to the Consul General and his party. The Consul General said he supports and pays close attention to this. The Consul General said that it’s a very important period for the development in China at present, and in particular in the aspect of legal construction, the government by law is the key factor promoting the development of cultural society. The communication on legal profession between the two countries is also very necessary and meaningful, and it can help us further understanding the legal systems of each other. Chinese lawyers can use American legal experience for reference, and American lawyers can also learn from the opinions of the legal profession of China. The American government also provides some projects promoting the communication between both parties. The period of validity of Chinese visa to U.S. has been prolonged to 10 years, which is fairly significant and is inseparable with the relationship between the two countries.

At last, the Consul General said that he heartily wishes to communicate with Tahota frequently in the future.


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