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Shi QinghongPartner

Personal profile

  • Shi Qinghong has been practicing law since 2015. With Securities Practice Qualification, she has been focusing on providing legal services for companies in domestic and overseas M&A, capital markets and compliance.

    Shi Qinghong provided legal services for clients in industries of auto, commercial real estate, finance, pharmaceutical manufacturing, cross-border e-commerce and other TMTs. She is experienced in such security legal services as listing at PRC Stock Exchange (including SME Board, GEM and NEEQ), and bond issuance. Meanwhile, she was/is the legal counsel of dozens of listed companies, foreign-invested enterprises, SOEs and private companies.

    “The Merger between QIEC and IQAC”, for which she acted as lead counsel, was awarded by Chongqing Bar Association as “The Top Ten Classical Cases of legal service for Business Transactions (non-litigation) in 2019”, This transaction, involved in a total amount of more than RMB 2,000,000,000, needed not only to be approved by both parties’ shareholders, which are listed at Tokyo and Hong Kong Stock Exchange respectively, but also complete domestic supervisory procedures for SOEs and EJVs. Shi Qinghong and her teammates provided efficient and professional legal services for it.

Education background

  • 2017-2018: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Laws (in International Economic Law)

  • 2011-2015: Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Bachelor of Laws

Work experience

  • 2015-2016: Z&T Law Firm

  • 2018-present: Tahota (Chongqing) Law Firm

Social Positions and Memberships

  • Member of Chongqing Foreign-Related Lawyer Talent Pools

Honors and Evaluations

  • The Top Ten Classical Cases of legal service for Business Transactions (non-litigation) in 2019

Representative Performance

  • 1. Provided full legal services for the merger between QIEC and IQAC;

  • 2. Provided full legal services for the acquisition of such unlisted public companies as Zonjo Recycling (837781) and Kefoo Corp. (832546);

  • 3. Representing Guiyang Dechangxiang Pharmacy Ltd., provided legal services for its acquisition of Binchuan Ruilinke Forestry Technology Ltd.

  • 4. Representing Chongqing Huaxi International Basketball Club Ltd., provided legal services for its acquisition of Chongqing Sanhailanling Basketball Club Ltd.;

  • 5. Provided legal services for the IPO of several companies registered in Chongqing or Guangdong, and for the listing at NEEQ of Kofa Biotech (839615), I-MEC Tech (838486) and Sefve Media (870454);

  • 6. Provided general legal services for dozens of listed companies, foreign-invested enterprises, SOEs and private companies, such as Maoye Commercial (600828), Soft Island Tech (836617), Kofa Biotech (839615), I-MEC Tech (838486), Tongyi Tech (838012), Dexin Aviation (835638), Fidex Audio (836017), Chongqing Changjiang River Moulding Material (group) Ltd., Chongqing Xingnong Asset Management Ltd., Chongqing EVAHEART Medical Instrument Ltd., CJ Automotive (Chongqing) Ltd., Chongqing Tourism Asset Management Ltd..

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