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Our Firm Helping Sichuan Port and Channel Development Co., Ltd. To Issue its 2018 Private Placement Bond Smoothly (First)

2018-10-08 Views:4066

      On Sep. 19, 2018, Sichuan Port and Channel Development Co., Ltd. successfully issued its 2018 Private Placement Bond (Phase I). This issuance scale is limited within 1.5 billion yuan. This bond is its first issue, with an issuing scale of 700 million yuan, a maturity of 3 years and an issuing interest rate of 5.39%, which is the lowest nominal interest rate of AA+ private placement bond in Sichuan since 2018.

      Tahota Law Firm is entrusted by the Company to provide special legal services for this bond issue, mainly including conducting a thorough due diligence, issuance of legal advice and legal opinion on relevant legal issues; providing assistance in reviewing related documents and agreements in the process of issuing bonds; participating in relevant meetings during the issuance process, and offering counsel and advice; verifying based on the feedback of the exchange and issuing supplementary legal opinions and special legal opinions. With grand supports and perfect cooperation with the Company and intermediary organs, Tahota Law Firm diligently and conscientiously completed all works in connection with this bond issue, and provided high-quality and professional legal services for this event.

      Ma Chunyan, Senior Partner of Tahota Law Firm and Li Peng, Senior Partner of Tahota Law Firm, together with several lawyers and paralegals, including Ma Qiang, Chen Bo, Qiu Xiang, and Wang Yuanlin, formed a project team to participate in the whole process of this event.


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