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Mr. Patel, Partner of Financial Department of Harvey Ingram LLP Coming to Tahota for Cooperation Negotiation and Communication

2008-04-15 Views:28633

On April 11, 2008, Mr. Jitendra Patel, a partner of Harvey Ingram LLP from Leicestershire and also an old friend of Tahota, came to Tahota for cooperation negotiation and communication. Mr. Patel visited our firm again after last November. Lawyer Qianhong Tang (a partner of Tahota), Lawyer Kexun Hu, Lawyer Chunyan Ma, Law Jun Liu, Lawyer Tiankui Zhang and some administration personnel received Mr. Patel. The two parties conduct in-depth communication and exchange in English in an amicable and harmonious atmosphere.

Harvey Ingram LLP had all-round legal service items. Currently, it was considering moving its international business to Beijing. As a partner of Financial Department of Harvey Ingram LLP, Mr. Patel had abundant experience in financing transaction and stock bond. The purpose of this special visit to Tahota was to further discuss the cooperation details of Harvey Ingram LLP and Tahota. He hoped that the two parties might give full play to their respective advantages to join hands with Sichuan-based enterprises have the intention to invest in Great Britain as well as British enterprises intending to invest in Sichuan Province in order to develop legal services together. Lawyer Tang put forward three cooperation matters, i.e. strengthening of communication, advancing of cooperation and joint investigation and research. Mr. Patel couldn’t agree more and the two parties also frankly communicated with each other concerning client development, website linking and market demand and made clear of specific cooperation steps in the next stage.


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