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Tahota Lawyers Attended Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards Ceremony

2017-03-24 Views:2618

2017 annual Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards Ceremonywas held in The Fullerton Singapore in the evening on Mar. 24, 2017. Chambers Asia-PacificAwards, held by a famous legal rating and publishing agency Chambers &Partners, is aimed to reward excellent law firms all over the world and enjoysa very high reputation in the field of law.

Lawyer Cheng Shoutai and lawyer Li Jinnan aretaking a photo with Chambers Asia-Pacific associate editors Mr.Dennis Li andlady Yvonne Berman.

Many law firms from Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam,India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Australia, NewZealand, Central Asia and China attended the award ceremony. Tahota chiefpartner Cheng Shoutai and senior partner Li Jinnan took part in the awardceremony dinner party and had in-depth communication with lawyers from CentralAsia.


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