Tahota Lawyers Were Listed in the New Panel of Arbitrators by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Recently, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(shortened as CIETAC in English and “Zhong Mao Wei” in Chinese) has begun touse a new panel of arbitrators in which Tahota chief partner Cheng Shoutai,senior partner Yang Jianhong, Chen Guofu and Fu Daqing were listed again tocontinue working as CIETAC arbitrators. At present, Tahota is one of the lawfirms from which CIETAC hires the most arbitrators.
Tahota Lawyers Attended Sichuan Enterprise Forum on Investment and Cooperation in Laos
Recently, Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce organized a form forSichuan enterprises which had investment and cooperation in Laos in Vientiane,Laos. Zhu Hexin, vice governor of Sichuan province, attended the forum and gavea speech. The conference was held by Yang Chunxuan, deputy director-general ofSichuan Provincial Department of Commerce. Zhang Tao, deputy director ofSichuan Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Miao Yuyan, deputyinspector of Sichuan Provincial Tourism Development Committee and directors ofrelevant sectors of Embassy of China in Cambodia were present.
Three Professional Partners were Successfully Attracted to Join in Tahota Law Firm
Tahota law firm is glad to announce thatlawyer Ping Fang has become our senior partner and that Wang Xiang and LiLiping have become our partners.
Tahota Lawyers Attended Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards Ceremony
2017 annual Chambers Asia-Pacific Awards Ceremonywas held in The Fullerton Singapore in the evening on Mar. 24, 2017. Chambers Asia-PacificAwards, held by a famous legal rating and publishing agency Chambers &Partners, is aimed to reward excellent law firms all over the world and enjoysa very high reputation in the field of law.
Tahota Lawyers Attended “Seminar on Investment Opportunity in Thailand”
“Seminar on Investment Opportunity inThailand”was held in Chengdu Junyue Hotel by Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)and Thai general consulate in Chengdu on 14, 2017. This seminar mainlyintroduced Thai investment environment and related promoting investmentpolicies to Sichuan enterprises. It also provided enterprises with investment& trade cooperation opportunities and information in the field of the newgeneration automobile manufacturing, high-end medical, food in the future,intelligent electronics, biological energy, bio-chemical, aerospace, automationand robotics, agricultural and biological technology, software development,digital economy, infrastructure and so on.
Japan Desk Took Part in Writing a Japanese Legal Book and Published It Officially in Japan
Lawyer Xu Dapeng and lawyer Li Peng from Japan Desk took part in writingthe book 親会社が気づいていない中国子会社のリスクとそのマネジメント(translated as risksand risk control for subsidiaries in China which are ignored by the parentcompany). This book was officially published in Japan by a famous Japaneselegal book publishing institution--the First Regulation Corporation and beganto sold in real Japanese bookstores and amazon's Japanese website.
Tahota Washington Law Firm Successfully Applied the First Green Card under Trump New Deal for a Client
The new American PresidentTrump made many comments on anti-immigrant during his campaign and implementeda series of anti-immigration policies immediately after taking office. At first,Trump signed an executive order which prohibited citizens of seven Middle Eastcountries from entering America and indefinitely postponed the Syrian refugeesentering America plan. Then, Trump ordered to build walls along theAmerica-Mexican border. Recently, the U.S. Immigration Enforcement carried outa big manhunt. Consequently, more than 600 illegal immigrants were arrestedfrom several immigrants populated areas in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and again in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York anddozens of illegal immigrants were sent back to their own countries.
An Australia AP Legal Executive Partner Visited Chengdu and Chongqing Offices
From Feb. 14, 2017 to Feb. 15, 2017,David Mullan, an Australian Presence Legal executive partner, visited Chengduand Chongqing offices of Tahota one after another and communicated with ourlawyers about IPO related legal affairs. Lawyer Ma Chunyan, our senior partnerand director of international division, partner Ran Chao, partner Fu Guofengand lawyers and assistants from international division like Luo Yingfu, MengXianhui, Yang Yue, Zhang Hao, Dong Meng and Zhang Bingyue received andcommunicated with our visiting guest.
Tahota Lawyers Attended the 2016 Chinese Listed Company Leader Summit
The 2016 Chinese listed company leader summit,which was sponsored by the Daily Economic News, was held in Chengdu on November25, 2016. This summit chose “focusing on supply side and innovating capitalchannel” as its theme. Thousands of people from hundreds of excellent listedcompanies, brokers, fund institutions and governments got together and drew a newblueprint for China's economic innovative growth. Hou Yunchun, the former deputydirector of DevelopmentResearch Center of the State Council and president of Chinaenterprise evaluation association, and Luo Qiang, the vice secretary of chengdu municipal partycommittee and acting mayor, attended the summit's opening ceremony.
The First Southwest Bankruptcy Law Forum Was Held Grandly in Sichuan
Becauseof the unwieldy Enterprise Bankruptcy Law in the early stage, problems likezombie firm and overcapacity were compounded since China's reform andopening-up was pushed to a new historical but crucial stage. As theimplementation of Supreme People's Court’s Order on Bankruptcy Cases BeingHandled in Accordance with Law, Actively and Steadily Advance BankruptEnterprise Support and Bankruptcy Liquidation, No.169, 2016, activatingeconomic vitality, establishing healthy and smooth market withdrawal mechanismand corporate rescue mechanism for financial institutions are inevitable.