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Tahota Lawyers Attended “Seminar on Investment Opportunity in Thailand”

2017-03-14 Views:2767

“Seminar on Investment Opportunity inThailand”was held in Chengdu Junyue Hotel by Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)and Thai general consulate in Chengdu on 14, 2017. This seminar mainlyintroduced Thai investment environment and related promoting investmentpolicies to Sichuan enterprises. It also provided enterprises with investment& trade cooperation opportunities and information in the field of the newgeneration automobile manufacturing, high-end medical, food in the future,intelligent electronics, biological energy, bio-chemical, aerospace, automationand robotics, agricultural and biological technology, software development,digital economy, infrastructure and so on.

Tahota law firm and DTL law officeattended this seminar.In order to serve for clients’ need of “walking out” andlooking for high-quality projects, Tahota law firm will further strengthen contactwith BOI and Thail general consulate in Chengdu.

This is a picture of lady PhantiphaIamsudha EKAROHIT,Thai general consul in Chengdu, and the two law firms.


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