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Tahota Lawyers Were Listed in the New Panel of Arbitrators by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

2017-05-09 Views:4493

Recently, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(shortened as CIETAC in English and “Zhong Mao Wei” in Chinese) has begun touse a new panel of arbitrators in which Tahota chief partner Cheng Shoutai,senior partner Yang Jianhong, Chen Guofu and Fu Daqing were listed again tocontinue working as CIETAC arbitrators. At present, Tahota is one of the lawfirms from which CIETAC hires the most arbitrators.

According to Arbitration Lawof the People's Republic of China and Regulationson the Appointment of Arbitrators by CIETAC, CIETAC arbitrators are chosenin a tenure system with a term of three years. The term of last session hasexpired on Apr. 30, 2017. This session of arbitrators work from May 1, 2017 toApr. 30, 2020. In the last session, Tahota lawyers took an active part incases, trainings and activities organized by CIETAC, and successfully completedall the duties that arbitrators should do.

It is reported that there are 1437 arbitrators in the new CIETACpanel of arbitrators, including 1032 mainland Chinese arbitrators from 31  provinces andmunicipalities and 58 overseas cities, accounting for 71.8% of the total numberof arbitrators, and 405 Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign arbitrators from 65countries and regions in the world, accounting for 28.2% of the total number.The number of "Belt and Road" countries has increased to 28 from 15.


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