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TAHOTA Law Firm Awarded the “Best Law Firm of the Year” by IFLR1000 China

2020-08-27 Views:22949

On August 27, 2020, the international famous legal media International Financial Law Review (IFLR1000) released the List of IFLR1000 China. Excellent law firms and lawyers in eight regions of China were selected into this List for the first time by IFLR1000 after investigation on the legal market in China from the perspective of region based on the cases and the feedback from clients and peers. With comprehensive strength and outstanding performance, TAHOTA Law Firm was awarded the “Best Law Firm of the Year” (Sichuan Region), and meanwhile, we were nominated for the “Best Law Firm of the Year” in Chongqing Region and Jinan Region.

This is another ranking of TAHOTA in an international law firm list in 2020 following the Chambers Global 2020, ALB Best Employer in China, ALB China’s Fastest Growing Firms and, ALB Intellectual Property Law Firm Ranking, The Legal 500 Asia Pacific, IFLR1000 2020, LEGALBAND China Law Awards, Top Ranked Law Firms, highly praised by major law media/rating agencies. In the future, we will also continue to provide high-quality, efficient and overall legal services to customers and markets.


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