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Japan Desk Took Part in Writing a Japanese Legal Book and Published It Officially in Japan

2017-03-07 Views:3897

Lawyer Xu Dapeng and lawyer Li Peng from Japan Desk took part in writingthe book 親会社が気づいていない中国子会社のリスクとそのマネジメント(translated as risksand risk control for subsidiaries in China which are ignored by the parentcompany). This book was officially published in Japan by a famous Japaneselegal book publishing institution--the First Regulation Corporation and beganto sold in real Japanese bookstores and amazon's Japanese website.

This book was written by nine Chineseand Japanese lawyers who are proficient in legal theory and practice. Based ontheir experiences of Japanese legal cases for many years, they had acomprehensive analysis and explanation of the potential risk point for foreignenterprise subsidiaries in China by focusing on practice and connecting withvivid and wonderful cases.

Tahota lawyer Xu Dapeng and lawyer LiPeng from Japan Desk were responsible for the important chapters about companyrestructuring and mergers & acquisitions and had a detailed in-depthdiscussion about restructuring and mergers & acquisitions related risks.

Japan Desk of Tahota law firm consistsof near to 10 partners and lawyers with profound Japanese education backgroundfrom Tahota Chengdu,Shanghai and other offices. They provide clients withoverall Japan related legal service.


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