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Tahota Successfully Helped Chongqing Dasheng Assets Management (Group) to Issue PPN

2016-10-10 Views:17339

Recently, the China Interbank MarketAssociation accepted the registration application of Chongqing Dasheng AssetManagement (Group) Co., Ltd for the issue of private placement note(hereinafter referred to as PPN) (CIMA【2016】No.PPN288). The amount of PPN registration payment of Chongqing Dasheng AssetManagement (Group) Co., Ltd. is 1 billion yuan, which is mainly underwritten by the China Construction Bank Corporation.

Chongqing Dasheng Assets Management(Group) Co., Ltd. was established in 2004 by the People’s Government of DadukouDistrict of Chongqing Municipality. It is mainly engaged in asset management, investmentplanning (not allowed to engage in public deposits or disguised absorption ofpublic deposits, or not allowed to issue loans, securities and futures),project development, sales of construction materials and decorative materials(excluding hazardous chemicals), investigation with its own funds (not allowedto engage in public deposits or disguised absorption of public deposits, or notallowed to issue loans, securities and futures ) and land consolidation within thescope authorized by the government.

Li Qingyu and LiuZhiqiang from Tahota Chongqing Office are employed as the lawyers of theproject by the issuer. Senior partner Li Qingyu, Liu Zhiqiang and lawyer MeiYingxue formed the service team and provided the issuer with all-round legalservices of high quality. Their professional skills and efficiency were fullyaffirmed by the customer.


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