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TAHOTA Chengdu Office

Zhang KaixiangPartner

Education Background

  • Peking University Juris Doctor (Common Law) Juris Master (Chinese Law)

  • Sichuan University Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics Science and Technology)

Work Experience

  • Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Technology Licensing and Trading Manager

  • Beijing Zhonglun Law Firm Lawyer

  • New Hope Technology Fund Investment Manager/General Counsel

Representative Cases

  • Provided legal services for technology companies, including investment and financing in high-tech fields, mergers and acquisitions, technology licensing, technical cooperation, etc., representative cases include:

  • 1. Acting as lead legal counsel for patent licensing cases at International Commerce Chamber Arbitration, US bankruptcy Court, etc.

  • 2. Advising on technical cooperation and acquisitions between Huawei and Microsoft, IBM, France Télécom, etc.

  • 3. Advising on technology licensing and cooperation between Kelun Pharmaceutical and Hong Kong companies

  • 4. Advising on technology cooperation between University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and US universities

  • 5. Advising on several in-bound or out-bound investment projects and acquisitions in the fields of science and technology

  • 6. Advised on M&A, reorganization and restructuring in numerous significant cases, including Tianqi Lithium’s acquisition of Australian Talison Lithium Pty Ltd; Warburg Pincus’ acquisition of Oil and gas drilling companies, etc.

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